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Pipeline sensitivity and precision

Variant Type Measure Sensitivity Precision Truth set
Single Nucleotide Variants Mean 0.9978 0.9995 HG002
(high confidence regions)
Single Nucleotide Variants 95% credible interval 0.9978-0.9979 0.9995-0.9995 HG002
(high confidence regions)
Indels Mean 0.9979 0.9991 HG002
(high confidence regions)
Indels 95% credible interval 0.9977-0.9980 0.9990-0.9991 HG002
(high confidence regions)
Copy Number Variants (>2Kb) Mean 0.9779 N/A Clinically significant CNVs detected by standard of care tests in accredited labratories
Copy Number Variants (>2Kb) 95% credible interval 0.9609-0.9929 N/A Clinically significant CNVs detected by standard of care tests in accredited laboratories
Short Tandem Repeat Expansions Mean 0.9828 0.9194 STR expansion tests (positive and negative) at target loci performed in accredited laboratories
Short Tandem Repeat Expansions 95% credible interval 0.9343-1 0.8252-0.9943 STR expansion tests (positive and negative) at target loci performed in accredited laboratories


HG002: (Child, Ashkenazi Jewish Trio) sample with Genome in a Bottle truth set (high confidence regions) - metrics reported here relate to variant detection performed as a singleton