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Case flags in the CIP-API and Interpretation Portal

A case may have one or more of the following flags applied:

Flag Description
LOW_COVERAGE <95% of the autosomal genome covered at ≥15x calculated from reads with mapping quality >10 after filtering reads as described in Genome coverage.

Samples with this quality flag will have >85x10^9 bases with quality ≥30, achieved from reads that are not duplicated and without double counting overlapping bases in the same fragment.
SALIVA_SAMPLE Genome sequencing performed using DNA extracted from saliva. The increased risk of baceterial contamination in saliva samples can reduce genome sequencing quality, resulting in reduced quality associated with real genomic variants and/or an increased number of false positive variants detected.
UNUSUAL_SEX_KARYOTYPE At least one member of the family has a sex karyotype that is not XX or XY.
INCORRECT_OR_DISCORDANT_SEX_KARYOTYPE Reported karyotypic and phenotypic sex are discrepant but the karyotypic sex is supported by the sex inferred from the genomic data in at least one family member.
INFERRED_GENETIC_AND_REPORTED_SEX_DISCORDANT Reported sex is discrepant from the inferred genetic sex and the Disorders of Sex development panel has been applied.
UNKNOWN_PHENOTYPIC_SEX Phenotypic sex is unknown for at least one member of a family.
POOR_QUALITY_CNV_CALLS Majority of CNV calls in the proband are expected to be of poor quality.
SUSPECTED_POOR_QUALITY_CNV_CALLS An increased number of poor quality CNV calls is suspected.
ddddddddd[mat&#124;pat]UPDnn[i&#124;h&#124;m][c&#124;p] Uniparental disomy detected that segregates with disease. Refer to uniparental disomy section for further details on interpretation of the details provided in this case flag.