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Exomiser database versions

The Exomiser data release 2209 is used along with Exomiser v13.2.0. This dataset along with a description of its contents can be found here.

The versions datasets inside the bundle are:

Group Data Version/Date
Transcripts Ensembl (GRCh37) 87
Ensembl (GRCh38) 99
Population frequencies gnomAD exomes r2.0.1
gnomAD genomes r2.0.1
ExAC 0.3
ESP ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.GRCh38-liftover
UK10K_COHORT 20160215
dbSNP 155
gnomAD-SV v2.1
dbVar 2022-08-03
DGV 2020-02-25
GONL 2016-10-13
Pathogenicity sources dbNSFP (Polyphen, MutationTaster, SIFT, MVP, REVEL) 4.0b2a
ClinVar 2022-08-24
Phenotype data OMIM 2022-08-26
Orphanet 2022-06-14
HPO 2022-06-11
HPO annotations 2022-06-11
IMPC release 17 2022-08-01
MP 2022-08-04
Zfin 2022-08-27
ZP 2022-08-27

Genomics England data sources

Internal data sources are also used when running Exomiser v13.2.0, these are described below

Data Version
Internal allele frequency data1 GEL_aggCOVID_DRAGENv4.0-20230921 (internal ref: 20230921-aggDRAGENv4.0_COVID_v1.1-AFgt0)
Inclusion list2 2209_hg38_clinvar_and_20220912_gel_includes_list

  1. The same internal allele frequency dataset used by the tiering algorithm. This data was aggregated from 5,415 samples and then converted to an Exomiser specific format (.pg.gz

  2. The dataset provided by Exomiser is extended to include variants classified as pathogenic in CVA up to 2022-09-12.