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Sample quality control

For a small proportion of samples, the sequencing data are not of sufficiently high quality to make reliable CNV calls. Sample level quality control is performed based on the number and ratio of different call types and the proportion of common CNVs detected. If CNV data for a proband do not pass this quality control step, the family is flagged in the Interpretation Portal with one of the following flags:

Flag Summary Metrics causing flag activation
poor_quality_CNV_calls majority of the CNV calls in the sample are expected to be of poor quality - count of autosomal PASS CNVs ≥ 980
- Log2(Loss/Gain) < -2.2
suspected_poor_quality_CNV_calls some of the CNV calls in the sample are expected to be of poor quality - count of autosomal PASS CNVs ≥ 195 and < 980, or ≤ 121
- Log2(Loss/Gain) ≥ -2.2 & ≤ -1.0, or ≥ 0.1
- fraction of common1 autosomal PASS CNV calls < 0.375

  1. a CNV is defined as common if it has 50% reciprocal overlap with a CNV from Conrad et al. 2010